Saturday Extra, presented by Geraldine Doogue, ABC Radio National
22 November 2014
What a week for Australia, in terms of diplomacy and as a presence on the world stage, as visiting G20 leaders, from Angela Merkel to Narendra Modi and Francois Hollande, cemented bilateral relationships with Australia.
The signing of the Australia China free trade agreement was the real icing on the cake, the real coup according to many commentators, even if the broadcaster Alan Jones claims it doesn’t pass ‘the Pub test’.
Jennifer Hewett
Senior national affairs columnist, The Australian Financial Review
Dr Geoff Raby
Chairman and CEO, Geoff Raby and Associates
Australian ambassador to China 2007 to 2011
Geremie Barmé
Professor of Chinese History at the Australian National University
This interview was originally published here.
Jennifer Hewett was in China for the China Australia Journalist Exchange 2014.