Making a complaint

On this page you can find out how to make a complaint to APJC.

First, we recommend that you read our Complaints Policy.

View Complaints Policy

You can make a complaint via the following methods:

Telephone: +61 (0)3 93879740

FAX: +61 (0)3 93879750

Email: inquiries[at]

Letter:  90 Amess Street, Carlton North, Victoria 3054, Australia

In person:  90 Amess Street, Carlton North, Victoria, 3054, Australia

If you are making a complaint on behalf of somebody else, we will need to contact that person for permission to liaise with you.


Details to Include in a Complaint

To ensure that APJC can give fair and due consideration to a complaint, it should include sufficient relevant information. As a minimum, the following details should be provided:

  • your name
  • your address
  • your email
  • your telephone number
  • details of the complaint (please be specific)
  • the remedy or outcome you would like to see resulting from your complaint


Handling of a Complaint

If a complaint cannot be resolved immediately, APJC will acknowledge your complaint within 5 business days.

A complaint may be rejected if APJC deems it to be frivolous, vexatious, not made in good faith, misconceived or lacking in substance. In such a case, APJC will provide you with information about why the complaint was rejected.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of a complaint, the matter will be reviewed and a response provided.