

Understanding Near Neighbors Fellowships: Journey into Islam in Indonesia

May 2004

Nine journalists from Australia joined six Indonesian journalists on the inaugural APJC Fellowship program: a 10-day study tour through Indonesia’s most populous island, Java, visiting Islamic institutions and communities, and meeting religious and political leaders, editors and journalists.

The 2004 APJC Fellowship Program was supported by the Myer Foundation under its Beyond Australia program, with additional funding and support from the employers of participating journalists, the Jakarta Post and the Jawa Pos Group.

APJC fellows:


Ms Diana Bagnall, feature writer, The Bulletin (national news magazine)
Mr Marcus Cheek, producer/journalist, ABC Asia Pacific TV News (overseas TV service)
Ms Lisa Clausen, senior journalist, Time Magazine (South Pacific edition)
Ms Trudy Harris, senior journalist, The Australian (national newspaper)
Mr Michael Kenny, journalist, SBS Radio (multicultural radio station)
Ms Philippa McDonald, national communications reporter, ABC News (radio and TV)
Ms Karon Snowdon, finance correspondent, Radio Australia (overseas radio)
Mr Geoff Strong, senior news and feature writer, The Age (daily newspaper, Melbourne)
Mr John Van Tiggelen, feature writer, Good Weekend (weekly magazine)


Ms Elly Burhaini, foreign affairs correspondent, Suara Pembaruan (evening newspaper)
Mr Luqman Hakim, reporter, Gatra (weekly news magazine)
Ms Uly Siregar, feature writer, Femina (women’s magazine)
Mr Pambudi Utomo, managing editor, Hidayatullah (Islamic magazine)
Mr Supriyatno, editor, Radio 68H (radio news magazine)