

Engaging Timor-Leste communities in a post-conflict environment

February-March 2010

Helping Timor-Leste news organisations engage more effectively with their communities was the goal of this eight-week leadership program run by the APJC in Melbourne. The rationale: that more inclusive and community-engaged journalism is needed to promote security and help rebuild civil society.

Five journalists identified as leaders or future leaders in their profession took part in the program, which was supported by AusAID as part of its Australian Leadership Awards (ALA).

The program consisted of an English language refresher course, a personal communication skills workshop, an editorial workshop, professional visits and a news media attachment.

Senior Australian journalists acted as mentors to the visiting journalists and accompanied them on professional visits. Project work focused on strategies for writing more socially inclusive news and broadening news coverage to include social issues and community responses to political decisions.

APJC fellows:

Mr Domingos Belo, journalist, Radio Timor-Leste
Mr. Amincio V. da Cruz, journalist, Diario Nacional (Daily Newspaper)
Mr Carlos De Jesus, journalist, Timor Post (Daily Newspaper)
Mr Aderito do Rosario, Deputy Director, Tempo Semanal (Weekly Newspaper)
Ms Armandina Moniz, reporter, Suara Timor-Lorosae (Daily Newspaper)